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=== Raw Materials ===
=== Raw Materials ===
Crafting an item consumes one Value Level in raw materials for every Value Level of the crafted item. Should the character fail at their crafting Skill Checks then half of the Raw Materials are wasted, rounded up.
Crafting an item consumes one Value Level in raw materials for every Value Level of the crafted item. Should the character fail at their crafting Skill Checks then half of the Raw Materials are wasted, rounded up. Crafting always requires at least one Value Level of raw materials.
==== Harvesting ====
When a character is an environment or has access to a source that the storyteller deems appropriate, she may use her Craft Skill to harvest the raw materials necessary for crafting. The character gains one Value Level of raw materials for each successful Craft Skill check, and must stop after a failure.
=== Crafting Weapons & Armor ===
=== Crafting Weapons & Armor ===
To craft a weapon or armor the Value Level of the desired item is given by the class, size, traits, and masterwork quality of the item.
To craft a weapon or armor the Value Level of the desired item is given by the class, size, traits, and masterwork quality of the item.

Revision as of 16:57, 5 April 2017

Value Level

Value Levels are the base unit for measuring material worth in Swords of Infinity, and are used by several of the game's mechanics to unify the interaction between magic, items, and characters. Value Levels are not currency, but can be related to currency as is appropriate to the setting of the story (e.g. one Value Level in currency might be one gold piece, or it might be 50 copper pieces. It's entirely up to the Storyteller, go with something that's easy to remember), it is also possible to abstract currency entirely with the Value Level mechanic and not deal with specific amounts of coinage at all. Typically Value Levels are handled in whole numbers, like in crafting, but in some cases, like the Value Level of the components used when casting spells, it is possible to break them into halves and quarters. It is possible to calculate a Value Level for all items, and crafting typically requires setting a target level for the item before it is created.


Weapons broadly refer to the implements used by characters to physically attack others, and can be man-made or natural. They are classified by their size, and apply bonuses and penalties to Power Checks and Success Checks depending on how large they are. The table below lists several size categories, the modifiers associated with those categories, and example weapons that might fit into that size category. The examples are just suggestions, the type of weapon makes no mechanical difference and is only mentioned for descriptive purposes.

Size Damage Modifier Hit Modifier Example
0 +0 +10 Fists, Claws, Teeth
1 +10 +0 Daggers, Brass Knuckles, Black Jack
2 +20 -10 Short Sword, Club, Hatchet
3 +30 -20 Long Sword, Battle Axe, Spear
4 +40 -30 Claymore, Warhammer
Weapons can have a size less than zero. For very small weapons, simply apply the same pattern demonstrated by this table in reverse (e.g. a size -1 weapon has a -10 to damage and a +20 to hit).


Weapons of Masterwork quality have an improved chance of hitting -- for each point of Masterwork increase the hit modifier by one (i.e. a Masterwork 1 Size 2 weapon would have a hit modifier of -9).

Weapon Traits

Weapon Traits, like the Traits given to characters cause minor, permanent, Narrative Effects that generally have no impact on the weapon's chance to hit or the magnitude of their damage. Some Traits help a weapon get around a foe's damage immunities (e.g. silver plating against a werewolf), and some increase the utility of the weapon. Adding a Trait to a crafted weapon increases its Value Level by one, and weapons can have more than one trait added to them. The table below lists some example Weapon Traits, it is not an exhaustive list, and can be expanded on indefinitely to suit the story.

Example Trait Description
Silver Plated The weapon has a layer of silver coating it that helps it injure certain magical foes.
Pole-arm The weapon is extra long, and so can reach foes an extra 5 feet away.
Collapsible This weapon folds or telescopes to make it easier to conceal.
Non-Lethal This weapon has been designed to prevent lethal damage from being dealt.

Ranged Weapons

Bows and thrown weapons behave identically to melee weapons in that they have a size category that modifies their damage and chance to hit, while mechanical projectile weapons such as crossbows or firearms behave according to the Device rules described later in this section. Projectile launchers such as these require one action for every 10 points of Strength to reload, and this reload time can be reduced by one for every point of Masterwork added to the weapon.


Armor refers broadly to protective clothing of all styles and materials, and in Swords of Infinity it is given a Class that determines how much damage the wearer is protected from and also the penalty to dexterity that the wearer suffers. Armor only provides its protection to the Damage Target it is being worn on and the Dexterity penalty suffered by the character is cumulative for each piece of armor worn. Below is a table of armor classes, the amount they reduce damage by, their penalty, and some example varieties of armor that fit into that class. The example armors serve only descriptive purposes and make no difference mechanically.

Class Damage Reduction Dexterity Penalty (Per Piece Worn) Example
1 -10 -1 Ring Armor, Gambeson
2 -20 -2 Leather Armor, Mail Armor
3 -30 -3 Scale Armor, Lamellar Armor
4 -40 -4 Plate Armor


Armor of Masterwork quality has a reduced Dexterity penalty -- reduce the Dexterity penalty by one for each point of Masterwork added to the piece of armor (i.e. a piece of Class 2 Masterwork 1 armor would have a Dexterity penalty of -1).


Consumables refer to items that are destroyed after use and their mechanics cover things like grenades, poisons, medicines, and more. Consumables have their own Ability Scores that are used to determine whether their use is successful and also the magnitude of that success.

Ability Scores

A consumable has its own Ability Scores that are used in lieu of the scores of the character using the item. The effect that each Ability Scores has on the capabilities of the consumable are described below. Consumables can have scores for one or all of these Abilities.

The potency of the consumable item. Strength is used for setting the maximum on Power Checks made when using the Consumable.
The accuracy of the consumable. Dexterity is used whenever the consumable is capable of hitting targets under its own power and sets the Success Check target number necessary to hit.
The reliability of the consumable. Vitality is used whenever the consumable is subjected to conditions that might cause it to malfunction, or prematurely detonate.
The consumable's ability to detect objects and changes in the environment. Awareness is used whenever the consumable has sensors or other means of detecting the world around it; typically when the consumable is self targeting.
The consumable's ability to process information. Intelligence is often used whenever the consumable is capable of selectively activating itself, or discerning between targets.
The consumable's force of will and sense of self. Personality is used whenever the consumable has a degree of sentience, and is rarely applied.


Machines, firearms, crossbows, traps, and vehicles are all broadly referred to as Devices in Swords of Infinity. In many ways devices behave like characters unto themselves, with Ability Scores that are determined at the time of their creation -- Devices with Personality can even act of their own free will.

Ability Scores

A Device has its own Ability Scores that are used in lieu of the scores of the character using the item. The effect that each Ability Score has on the capabilities of the Device are described below. Devices can have scores for one or all of these Abilities.

The power of the device. Strength is used whenever a character uses a device to make a Power Check.
The accuracy of the device. Dexterity is used whenever a character attempts to direct a device or if it is capable of directing itself.
The reliability of the device. Vitality is used whenever the device takes damage or is subjected to conditions that might cause it to malfunction.
The device's ability to sense the world. Awareness is used whenever a device has sensors or other means of detecting the world around it.
The device's ability to process information. Intelligence is used whenever the device is capable of solving problems.
The device's force of will and sense of self. Personality is used whenever the device has some degree of sentience.

Operating Devices

When a character operates a Device directly, the ability score of the Device is used in place of the ability score of the character using it. So a character with 10 Strength firing a crossbow with 40 strength would gain the benefit of the crossbow's greater Strength. This rule behaves slightly differently for the Dexterity ability; the character using the Device uses either their own Dexterity or the Dexterity of the Device, whichever is lower. A character's Skill specializations can also be added to a Device's Ability Scores if they are relevant to the situation.


Traps function like any other Device in Swords of Infinity, their Strength determines how much damage they deal, or the power of their narrative effect if they aren't rigged to deal damage. Their Dexterity dictates how accurate they are, and is used in Success Checks made to hit characters that have triggered them. If the trap uses some kind of sensor to detect characters it should have an Awareness score, and if it is able to differentiate between friend and foe it should have Intelligence. The Trap's Vitality determines how much damage it can take before becoming damaged or disabled, and traps rarely have Personality scores. If the trap's duration or area of effect should be extended simply reduce the result of its Power Check as though it were a spell (i.e. by one for every additional cubic foot it affects beyond five, and by 10 for every additional round it affects beyond one).


Automobiles, aircraft, boats, and all other sorts of vehicles operate using the same Device rules, their Strength is used for resisted movement Skill checks. The vehicle's Dexterity represents its handling and is used whenever the driver attempts complicated maneuvers. Vitality determine's the vehicle's reliability, and is used to determine how much damage it can take before beginning to malfunction. If the vehicle has sensors it should be given an Awareness score, and if it is able to navigate itself it should have an Intelligence score. Vehicles rarely have a Personality score, but might have one if they have an advanced artificial intelligence.


The following mechanics detail how characters can create their own items in the game. These rules function identically for all forms of crafting, be it carpentry, masonry, alchemy, or anything else.

Value Level

Before a character begins crafting an item, she must declare the intended Value Level for the item. This goal dictates the number of successful Skill Checks and Value Levels of Raw Material required to make the item and the penalties or bonuses granted by tools.

To successfully craft an item, the player must succeed on a number of consecutive crafting Skill Checks equal to the Value Level of the item being crafted. If any of these Skill Checks fail, the character fails to craft the item and must start over.


Tools refer to the implements and spaces used by a craftsperson to ply their trade. Some crafts might require entire workshops be set up to house the tools (e.g. Alchemy), while others are more portable. This distinction is up to the Storyteller, but typically Tools of high enough Value Level will always require a workshop be set up to house them at some point, regardless of the craft. A good general rule is to require that a workshop have at least five square feet per Value Level of the tools being stored in it.

A character's ability to craft items is limited by the quality of her tools, with their Value Level deciding what quality of item can easily be crafted. Characters can craft items of Value Level equal to the Value Level of their crafting Tools at no penalty. For every Value Level the Tools are below the Value Level of the crafted item, the character recieves a -10 penalty to their Success Check. Likewise the character receives a +10 bonus to her Success Checks for each Value Level that the Tools surpass the Value Level of the crafted item.

Raw Materials

Crafting an item consumes one Value Level in raw materials for every Value Level of the crafted item. Should the character fail at their crafting Skill Checks then half of the Raw Materials are wasted, rounded up. Crafting always requires at least one Value Level of raw materials.


When a character is an environment or has access to a source that the storyteller deems appropriate, she may use her Craft Skill to harvest the raw materials necessary for crafting. The character gains one Value Level of raw materials for each successful Craft Skill check, and must stop after a failure.

Crafting Weapons & Armor

To craft a weapon or armor the Value Level of the desired item is given by the class, size, traits, and masterwork quality of the item.


The Value Level of a weapon is equal to its size, plus one for each trait, plus any points in masterwork.

Example: A Size 1, Masterwork 5 knife with the "collapsable" Trait would be 7 Value Levels, one for its size, five for  every point of Masterwork, and one for its Trait.


The Value Level of a piece of armor is equal to its class, plus one for each trait, plus any points in masterwork.

Example: A Class 1, Masterwork 1 piece of leather armor with the "quick release" Trait would be 3 Value Levels, one for its Class, one for its point in Masterwork, and one for its Trait.

Crafting Consumables & Devices

Devices and Consumables have Abilities like characters, and the number of points that can be spent on these Abilities is based on their Value Level. For every Value Level the craftsman receives 100 points that can be spent on a Device or Consumable's Ability Scores.

Assigning Ability Scores

The points spent on Ability Scores receive different rewards depending on if the item is a consumable or a device, these differences are detailed below.


Ability scores for consumables are purchased one to one, so 100 points put into the strength of a grenade will yield a grenade with 100 strength. Additional doses of a consumable can be created by reducing the number of points available to spend by 10 for each additional dose. A single consumable can affect additional adjacent targets by reducing the number of points available to spend by 5 for each additional target beyond one - this variety of consumable deals Untargeted Damage, and can only be Blocked.

Example: Paros wants to create Value Level 2 alchemist's fire, he succeeds on his two alchemy craft checks and so he has 200 points to spend on Abilities. He spends 30 of his points to create three doses of the substance, 10 points to add two additional targets that the substance will splash onto, and spends the remaining 160 on giving each dose 100 strength and 60 vitality.

Device Abilities are purchased using the same scale as Skill Specializations, see the table below for a reference.

Score Point Cost Cost to Next Level Total Experience Spent to Next Level
1-10 1 10 10
11-20 2 20 30
21-30 3 30 60
31-40 4 40 100
41-50 5 50 150
51-60 6 60 210
61-70 7 70 280
71-80 8 80 360
81-90 9 90 450
91-100 10 100 550
Example: A Value Level 3 crossbow has 300 points to spend and so can be crafted with scores of 40 each in Strength, Dexterity, and Vitality because a score of 40 costs 100 points.

Vehicle and Shelter Capacity

Vehicles and shelters (i.e. houses) cost one Value Level for every size 0 creature that they are meant to contain.