Value Level
Value Levels are the base unit for measuring material worth in Swords of Infinity, and are used by several of the game's mechanics to unify the interaction between magic, items, and characters. Value Levels are not currency, but can be related to currency as is appropriate to the setting of the story (e.g. one Value Level in currency might be one gold piece, or it might be 50 copper pieces. It's entirely up to the Storyteller, go with something that's easy to remember), it is also possible to abstract currency entirely with the Value Level mechanic and not deal with specific amounts of coinage at all.
Weapons broadly refer to the implements used by characters to physically attack others, and can be man-made or natural. They are classified by their size, and apply bonuses and penalties to Power Checks and Success Checks depending on how large they are with respect to their wielder. The table below lists the hit and damage modifiers associated with wielding weapons of various sizes. As a rule, for every weapon size category greater than the wielder's own size, the weapon grants a +10 bonus to damage and for every size difference greater than one the weapon grants a penalty of -10 to hit.
Size Difference | Damage Modifier | Hit Modifier |
+/- 0 or less | +0 | +10 |
+1 | +10 | +0 |
+2 | +20 | -10 |
+3 | +30 | -20 |
+4 | +40 | -30 |
Weapon Traits
Weapon Traits, like the Traits given to characters, cause minor, permanent, Narrative Effects that generally have no impact on the weapon's chance to hit or the magnitude of their damage. Some Traits help a weapon get around a foe's damage immunities (e.g. silver plating against a werewolf), and some increase the utility of the weapon. Adding a Trait to a crafted weapon increases its Value Level by one, and weapons can have more than one trait added to them. The table below lists some example Weapon Traits, it is not an exhaustive list, and can be expanded on indefinitely to suit the story.
Example Trait | Description |
Silver Plated | The weapon has a layer of silver coating it that helps it injure certain magical foes. |
Pole-arm | The weapon is extra long, and so can reach foes an extra 5 feet away. |
Collapsible | This weapon folds or telescopes to make it easier to conceal. |
Non-Lethal | This weapon has been designed to prevent lethal damage from being dealt. |
Armor refers broadly to protective clothing of all styles and materials, and in Swords of Infinity it is given a Class that determines how much damage the wearer is protected from and also the penalty to dexterity that the wearer suffers. Armor only provides its protection to the Damage Target it is being worn on and the Dexterity penalty suffered by the character is cumulative for each piece of armor worn. Below is a table of armor classes, the amount they reduce damage by, their penalty, and some example varieties of armor that fit into that class. The example armors serve only descriptive purposes and make no difference mechanically.
Class | Damage Reduction | Example |
1 | -10 | Ring Armor, Gambeson |
2 | -20 | Leather Armor, Mail Armor |
3 | -30 | Scale Armor, Lamellar Armor |
4 | -40 | Plate Armor |
Consumables refer to items that are destroyed after use and their mechanics cover things like grenades, poisons, medicines, and more. At a minimum each consumable has a power score that serves as the target number for determining the effectiveness of the item upon use. Consumables can accomplish any of the sorts of things spells are capable of, to include creating narrative effects, granting skill bonuses, causing or healing damage, and so on. They may additionally have a duration and an area of effect that further modify how items of this variety work. Like a spell with an area of effect, consumables that deal damage to an area are also untargeted.
Example Consumables
Healing Potion – Power: 50 (Heal up to 5 damage to all damage targets and apply First Aid); Duration: 1 Turn; Area of Effect: 1 Target; Raw Material Cost: .5VL
A standard potion of healing that immediately restores damage upon consumption as a healing spell with an equivalent Power Check.
Pot of Greek Fire – Power 50 (Deal up to 50 fire damage), Duration 5 Turns, Area of Effect: 2x2 Square, Raw Material Cost: 7.5VL
A clay pot that, when broken, explodes into an intense gout of chemical fire. This item has two effects, the first 10 power grant it the incendiary trait, and the remaining power deals equivalent fire damage to the affected targets.
Incendiary - Any flammable object dealt enough damage by an attack with the incendiary trait catches fire.
Machines, firearms, crossbows, traps, vehicles and all other manner of mechanically automated items are all broadly referred to as Devices in Swords of Infinity. Devices are primarily sought out for the reusable bonuses they grant to character skills. Functionally speaking Devices can be thought of as durable versions of their consumable counter parts, with power scores that can accomplish all of the same effects. Where they differ, however, is that Devices are not depleted upon use, instead requiring a number of actions to reset them before they can be used again. The classification of Device can be added to any other type of non-consumable item to further amplify their effects, this includes weapons and tools.
Example Devices
Crossbow - Size 2 Weapon (2EP, Traits: Projectile Launcher); Device Power 20 (+20 Damage, Reset: 2 Actions); Raw Material Cost: 5VL
A projectile launcher employing a concave bow and mechanical catch mounted to a wooden stock that is designed to provide inexperienced users with firepower equivalent to their harder-to-use conventional bow counterparts.
Sewing Machine - Tier 1 Tool (10EP, Traits: Rapid Reset); Device Power 20 (+20 Craft (Sewing), Reset: 1 Action); Raw Material Cost: 13VL
A machine with a reciprocating needle, thread feed, and foot actuated pedal that speeds up the sewing process and improves stitch consistency.
Flashlight - Equipment (1EP, Traits: Consumable Reset); Device Power 10 (Narrative Effect: Light, Reset: .01 VL Consumable(Battery)/Turn); Area of Effect: 3x3 Square; Raw Material Cost: 5VL
A metal cylinder with a light emitting filament and focusing lens at one end, powered by electricity contained in batteries.
Swords of Infinity treats traps the same as Devices, at a minimum a trap usually has a trait that governs how it is triggered by victims.
Example Traps
Crossbow Trap - Trap (2EP, Traits: Projectile Launcher, Tripwire Trigger); Device Power 40 (Deal up to 40 damage, Reset: 4 Actions); Area of Effect: 1 Target; Raw Material Cost: 6VL
Simple as it is deadly, this trap is created out of a crossbow that is mounted to a wooden base and is triggered by a simple tripwire.
The following mechanics detail how characters can create their own items in the game. These rules function identically for all forms of crafting, be it carpentry, masonry, alchemy, or anything else.