Character Creation
Playing Swords of infinity begins with creating a character. This character will be the player's proxy in the adventures that take place in the game.
Character Concept
Building a character begins with creating his or her concept. In Swords of Infinity, a character's concept helps to decide what tools and skills he or she will use when solving problems in the game. Some players will enjoy developing an elaborate biography for their character, but generating a simple concept is as easy as answering a couple questions. How will this character do battle, up close, at a distance, with magic, or some other way? What sort of problems is he good at solving, those requiring physical might, cunning, or charm? The answers to these questions help decide which ability scores should get the highest values and how experience points should be spent.
Ability Scores
A character's ability scores represent their likelihood of successfully using a skill with no specialized training in it. All skills can be tied in to at least one of these abilities and examples for each are listed below. In some cases a skill might relate to multiple abilities, and it is up to the Storyteller to determine which of them is relevant to the situation.
Strength Resisted movement (e.g. running, jumping, climbing, swimming, pushing, pulling etc.) Determining the power of an attack.
Dexterity Hitting things (the ability to direct an attack or parry and successfully connect with it) Complicated movement (e.g. dancing, tumbling, legerdemain, picking a lock, dodging an attack, horseback riding, moving unheard)
Vitality Ignore physical discomfort (e.g. ignore the ill effects of a disease or injury) Perform a physically draining activity (e.g. running for a long time, staying awake after not sleeping for a long time) Determining the power of a special ability.
Intelligence Remember information (e.g. about a certain subject or person). Solve a problem (e.g. mathematical, engineering etc.). Successfully cast a spell. Choose the right words to affect an opponent in social conflict.
Awareness Noticing things beyond surface details (e.g. noticing trouble, seeing hidden details, discerning odd noises, judging a person’s character or intent, detecting whether a supernatural ability is in effect etc.) Wilderness Survival (e.g. foraging, hunting, hiding etc.)
Personality Determining the power of a spell or a phrase in social conflict. Creating art.