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Adventuring in Swords of Infinity can generally be handled within the narrative but in the circumstances mentioned below some rules are necessary.


Characters that do not get regular sleep begin to suffer penalties from their deprivation. For every day that a character goes without sleep they suffer a consecutive -10 penalty to all Success and Power Checks unless they succeed in an Endurance Skill Check. These penalties remain until the character gets a full eight hours of sleep, at which point they are all removed. Successful Endurance Skill Checks only prevent the penalty for that day from adding to previous sleep deprivation penalties, and do not remove them.

Storyteller's Note: Characters taking one or two hour power-naps can be given a bonus to their Endurance Skill Check, but should not be treated as having had a full night's rest.

Food & Drink

Characters that go without food or water for long periods of time suffer a penalty based on how many days they have gone without sustenance. For every day that a character goes without food or water they suffer a consecutive -10 penalty to all of their Success and Power Checks unless they succeed in an Endurance Skill Check. These penalties remain until the character eats or drinks again, at which point they are all removed. Successful Endurance Skill Checks only prevent the penalty for that day from adding to previous starvation penalties, and do not remove them.


Diseases in Swords of Infinity damage characters' health and ability scores, and are even capable of causing narrative effects that are permanent until the character is cured. Diseases are created very similarly to characters, they have Abilities, and typically have two Traits; a method of transmission and a cure. The effect that each Ability Score has on the capabilities of the Disease is described below.

The disease's ability to infect and harm. Strength is used whenever the disease attempts to infect or damage a character.
The communicability of the disease. Dexterity is used whenever the disease attempts to spread to a new host.
The resilience of the disease. Vitality is used to determine how much damage a disease can take from spells and medicine before becoming weakened and dying.
Awareness, Intelligence, and Personality
Diseases do not usually have mental Abilities, but they might be present in a "smart" disease that is capable of hunting down specific hosts.

Catching Diseases

Once a character comes into contact with a disease, in the manner described by its method of transmission (e.g. airborne), the disease will make a strength based Power Check that must be resisted by the character's Physical Resistance. If the character's Physical Resistance Check is less than the disease's Power Check, the character becomes infected by the disease.

Once the character has caught a disease it will attack them once per day until they are cured. A successful Physical Resistance Check made against the disease's Power Check will negate the negative effects for that day.

Curing Diseases

Once a character meets the conditions specified by a disease's cure the damage dealt by it is removed and the disease can no longer attack the character.

Riding & Driving